Follow @jeffsuntrading The S&P 500 fell 3.1% last week, which featured disappointing earnings from major retailers in a market which was already hard hit by
Author: Jeff Sun
Follow @jeffsuntrading It was a tremendous week of market volatility for Wall Street as each of the major indices fell more than 2.0% this week
April 2022 (Month #66) Total Trades: 22 (YTD 177 Trades) April Absolute Gain (Loss): -$31,525.29 April Nett Dividends: +$10,927.30 April Return: -2.13% (YTD: +15.07%) Cumulative
Jesse Livermore was one of the greatest traders who ever lived. At one time, Livermore was one of the richest people in the world. You
Follow @jeffsuntrading The market started the new month with a volatile week that produced nett losses for the major indexes even after the Fed delivered
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