Follow @jeffsuntrading The S&P 500 gained about +9.1% for July in its biggest monthly percentage gain since November 2020, while the Nasdaq jumped about +12.3%
Author: Jeff Sun
July 2022 (Month #69) Total Trades: 19 (YTD 206 Trades) Month Absolute Gain (Loss): +$37,594.11 Month Nett Dividends: -$1,112.89 Month Return: +2.64% (YTD: +15.79%) Cumulative
If the year to date stock market has left us with any enduring lessons, it’s that asset return distributions can be significantly skewed and asymmetrical,
Follow @jeffsuntrading Headlines that reinforced a slower growth environment were persistent last week but it traded through the growth worries to record a winning week
Follow @jeffsuntrading The market began last week on an apprehensive note, due in part to hesitation ahead of the Wednesday’s release of June CPI (which
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