What Does Success In Trading Truly Mean?

Is it solely based on monetary gains or does it encompass intangible aspects such as happiness?

With the recent release of the Q1 results for the US Investing Championship, I’ve been receiving congratulatory messages, which has led me to ponder the definition of trading success. Can it even be quantified when there’s always a possibility of a significant loss looming ahead? Do I even feel content having achieved the net worth goal I set for myself?

Recently, I received a coffee invitation from a veteran broker who has continued to provide me with his personal macro analysis for the past nine years since I switched to a different brokerage. He has been instrumental in my foray into the US market, and I’ve witnessed his incredible financial gains as a trader. Our conversation shifted to the topic of happiness when he arrived with his grandson for our coffee meeting.

During our chat, he questioned whether I have found happiness in my trading journey and shared his perspective on success in trading. While financial gain is undoubtedly crucial, it should not be the sole focus. He emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy mindset and finding a balance in life. As our conversation continued, I found myself in awe of his extensive experience and wisdom. Despite encountering numerous market situations, he still maintained a grounded outlook on life. His departing words, “Jeff, you need a partner to manage you. Are you not having a marriage with the market?” served as a reminder that trading success is not only defined by numbers on a balance sheet but also by sharing joy and fulfillment throughout the journey.

Ultimately, success in trading, and in life, could be determined by intangible aspects such as happiness and contentment. In trading, there is no competition between traders, but instead, between one’s life balance and the market.

A person who excels in trading and leads a balanced life is the epitome of trading success.

Thanks for reading.

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